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We continuously work towards enhancing the affordability of medicines nationwide by investing in our manufacturing capital through facilities that are WHO-GMP compliant and approved globally.

We have leveraged and invested in our manufacturing capital through facilities that are WHO-GMP compliant and approved nationally. Our advanced ventilation system covers all the processing and adjoining gray areas. Our plant has been designed with state-of-the-art separate air handling unit (AHU) for individual manufacturing modules ensuring high degree of purity. We follow the international waste management system aligned with conserving the environment. This has facilitated the company to attain a global leadership position in the pharmaceutical sector.

The confidence of patients and healthcare professionals in our products has strengthened over the years due to consistent and timely delivery of highly dependable products. We continue to strive to retain this confidence by diligently manufacturing high quality medicines and implementing innovative, path breaking technologies to deliver superior quality products.

Taking the principle of ‘Supporting and Inspiring life ‘ forward, we have worked towards enhancing the affordability of medicines nationwide. We were able do this through cost and complexity rationalization, product portfolio enhancement, process/yield improvements and alternate vendor development.

We have over 85 products in 35 therapeutic categories available in over 10 dosage forms. These capabilities range from the development of a simple molecule to highly complex multi-chiral centers molecule with a distinction of affordability and highest quality. Our investments in manufacturing capital include development of new drug delivery systems, facilitation of infrastructure supporting API and formulation developments and strengthening of platform technologies.

Hotline Number

Office: +(977) 051-530519 / +(977) 9801332230
Factory: +(977) 9745095256
Marketing: +(977) 051-531618

Opening Hours

Sunday - Thursday: : 9am - 6pm
Friday: 9am - 6pm
Saturday: Closed

Location & Contact

Gahanapokhari Kathmandu Nepal
[email protected]
+977 9801332230